Bitumen cracks repair
One of the damages of the bituminous pavements are a cracks. Cracks in the surface may occur in the form of cracks: longitudinal, transverse and mesh. Cracks occur most often in the wear layer but may also affect the lower layers. The surface layer of the pavement loses continuity as a result of cracking and breaks in the form of a crack.
Depending on the repair of the bituminous pavement consisting in restoring the wear layer by filling the cracks, we distinguish different methods of sealing the cracks:
- band
- with enlargement of the milling machine
- combined
A film illustrating the technique of repairing cracks in bituminous pavement with the method of expanding the milling machine.
A film illustrating the technique of repairing cracks with bituminous mastics.
Cross or longitudinal fractures are classified according to the degree of their opening. Full slot qualification further includes the determination of the width of the applied sealing strip (overlay) laid along the crack and depending on the degree of opening of the slot.
Repair technology depending on the type of slits is:
Cracks A, starting with clean, dusting and dehumidifying using a special hot air compressed lance followed by a warmed up position (150-170 degrees Celsius).
Cracks B, its sealing consists in widening the existing slot through milling (to fill the bitumen with a deeper bitumen filling and therefore proper sealing in the winter). Clearing the gap with a mechanical brush, a hot compressed air lance, and priming. Fill a hot gap (150-170 ° C) with the overlay and place an additional sealing strip over it with a suitable width (depending on the degree of joint damage). Rising of the gap (protection against sticking of the coolant to the wheels of vehicles).
Cracks C, this is a combination of cracks technology A and B.
The basic material used to repair cracks is a flooded mass consisting of synthetic rubber asphalt petroleum, corresponding to European standards. Our flood weights are: homogeneous, impermeable, water resistant, salt resistant and resistant to aging processes. Prior to the position of the heated mass, it is thoroughly cleaned, dedusted and dried by using a special hot air compressed lance.
Euroasfalt bridges are equipped with high quality equipment as recommended in the technical specifications. For the above works we use:
- Mechanical brushes
- Disc milling machines, which allow for the expansion of the depth and width of the joints, depending on the needs
- Lance Compressed Air
- Boilers for mass heating
- Injection molding machines
- Chip spreaders
- Safety equipment for road works
With equipment and a professional technical team, we are able to compete with more than one European company in a fast, secure and fast-paced task.
The work is carried out while maintaining traffic, with full professional traffic protection.
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