
9 March 2017

Active pedestrian crossing  APP  Zebra passed the test of time as he was during the winter and become a moving reference for the other pedestrian crossing in Poland.

6 March 2017

On 22 -23.02 Euroasfalt company took an active part in Cracow days BRD. Development Director Jarosław Schabowski perform a speach “Zebra-intelligent system to improve safety and comfort at pedestrian crossings”. The speach was received with general interest and aroused a lively discussion among the participants of the conference. fot. Media-Pro Polish Media Professional    

8 February 2017

Approaching IV Krakow Road Safety days in Krakow. Our company will perform with a speach: “ZEBRA – an intelligent system to improve safety and comfort at pedestrian crossings” MSc. Jaroslaw Schabowski, Development Director, PUP Euroasfalt Sp. o.o.